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Comparison/ Contrast Thesis Statements

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1 Comparison/ Contrast Thesis Statements
College Prep Comp

2 Where to Start? Start with a list of similarities OR differences of your chosen topic. Narrow your focus (eliminate some of the similarities / differences) in order to write a concise thesis statement. Make sure your thesis statement is specific. One way to start a compare or contrast thesis is by using words like whereas, while, even though, and although to suggest a contrasting element will follow.

3 What to think about… Show readers why one subject is more desirable than the other. Example: "Cats are better pets than dogs because they require less maintenance, are more independent, and are more adaptable.“ Help readers make a meaningful contrast between two subjects. Example: "New York City and San Francisco are both great cities for young professionals but they differ in terms of their job opportunities, social environment, and living conditions."

4 Example: Whereas most people would never mistake their grandma for a cookie, the two are actually very similar in that they are both soft, warm, sweet, and crumble as they age. (Compares grandmas and cookies) Although an outsider might think North Dakota and South Dakota are exactly the same, South Dakota has a more rugged terrain, is about 10% larger, and has a 16% larger population. (Contrasts two seemingly identical states)

5 Don’t do… This paper will compare and contrast two pizza places.
Dominoes and Pizza Hut are similar in some ways and different in others. Coke and Pepsi are similar in many ways, but they have one major difference

6 Use this Template if you need to…
The differences [similarities] between ___________ and ___________ are __________, _________, and _______________________. Go further: Why do we care?

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