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Chocolate and Valentine’s Day

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1 Chocolate and Valentine’s Day
By: Bri Grimsley

2 Considering… Considering that Valentines day is just around the corner, I decided to bring up chocolate. I have been waiting for an excuse for a while now so here it is!

3 Common Questions that I will be answering
Does chocolate cause break outs? What is the point of Valentine’s Day? Can I make chocolate at home? How do other places celebrate Valentine’s Day? Why do females tend to love chocolate? Why am I still reading this?

4 Does Chocolate Cause Break-Outs?
Chocolate does cause break-outs, but not because of the cocoa. It is because of all of the sugars and milk solids that make it sweet. If you want chocolate with less break-outs, I recommend dark chocolate. It may not be as sweet but its still chocolate.

5 What’s The point of Valentine’s Day?
Many people think that Valentines day is a “lovey-dovey” day, but really it was created by candy companies. I might of just rained on your parade but I was just being straight forward. You may be hit with cupid’s arrow on Valentines but remember; the 14th of February is just as likely as February 12th.

6 Can I Make Chocolate at Home?
The answer to your vague question is yes. You could melt chocolate which could be considered making it. You could mash up chocolate nips, melt them, and refrigerate them. The possibilities are endless!

7 How do other Places celebrate Valentines Day?
I’m only going to name some countries because if I named them all you would never of seen this power point. In Europe they do what we do here in the U.S. Here in the U.S men traditionally give women gifts.In Japan the women give gifts to men instead of the other way around. In Italy they do what we do, but in ancient times they had huge celebrations.

8 Why do Women Tend to Love Chocolate?
If you had to chose the sex that likes chocolate the most it would be women. Men like chocolate as well, but not like women. There is a science behind this chocolate craving and it is that chocolate contains magnesium. Many women suffer from a magnesium deficiency .

9 Why am I still Reading This?
If you have been considerate enough to read this far, you deserve what’s coming up next! You have been very wise to read this far, so enjoy!


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