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Validation of CIRA Tropical Cyclone Algorithms

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1 Validation of CIRA Tropical Cyclone Algorithms
Julie Demuth, Mark DeMaria, John Knaff, Kotaro Bessho, Kimberly Mueller, and Ray Zehr CoRP Satellite Calibration and Validation Symposium 14 July 2005

2 Outline AMSU intensity and wind radii estimation
M. DeMaria, J. Demuth, J. Knaff new datasets different methods new estimation models AMSU 2-D surface wind retrieval K. Bessho, M. DeMaria, J. Knaff IR wind structure estimation M. DeMaria, K. Mueller, J. Knaff

3 AMSU Intensity and Wind Radii
In general… derive ~20 parameters from AMSU data statistically relate them to dependent data (from extended best track) using MLR develop algorithms to estimate TC intensity (MSW, MSLP) and axisymmetric 34-, 50-, 64-kt wind radii use axisymmetric wind estimates with modified Rankine vortex model to estimate winds in NE, SE, SW, NW quadrants relative to TC center

4 Int. & Winds - Data Data global dataset for intensity estimation
n > 2600 cases … 5x more than before & 45 cases at Cat-5 level Data global dataset for intensity estimation for AL, EP; for SH, WP; for CP, IO for wind radii, used only cases with recon 12 hrs prior Indian Ocean 1.4% Southern Hemisphere 7.2% Central Pacific 0.2% East Pacific 25.4% West Pacific 33.7% Atlantic 32.1% 2x as many cases as before… 34: n=255 50: n=170 64: n=120

5 Int. & Winds - Methods Added 4 variables to pool
tmax2, clwave2, tmax*clwave, p600 Using “best subsets” MLR technique tests all possible models with up to some N number of independent variables…we chose N=15 Cross-validation every model tested with 80/20 scheme run 1000 times no longer using backward stepwise regression for model selection and jackknife for validation Model selection minimize MAE of developmental and cross-validated datasets  = 0.01 for intensity models,  = 0.05 for radii models

6 Intensity - Results MSW MSLP: NEW: R2=78.7%, MAE=10.8 kt
OLD: R2=76.4%, MAE=11.5 kt MSLP: NEW: R2 = 80.2%, MAE = 7.8 hPa OLD: R2 = 76.4%, MAE = 8.9 hPa

7 Intensity Results – Ivan Example
Hurricane Ivan Example (n=25) New MAE = 15.4 kt New RMSE = 18.0 kt Old MAE = 18.7 kt Old RMSE = 21.3 kt

8 AMSU Wind Radii Results

9 AMSU 2-D Surface Winds Quick summary…
use nonlinear balance equation (Charney, 1955) to estimate 3-D wind field from AMSU data compare AMSU-derived nonlinear balance winds at 850 hPa with QuikSCAT and H*Wind surface wind analyses AMSU wind speeds at 850 hPa linearly related to surface wind speeds characteristic biases of wind direction between AMSU and Quik SCAT or H*Wind develop algorithm to convert 850 hPa to surface winds

10 IR Wind Structure Quick summary…
Use IR data to develop algorithms that estimate RMAX and V182 via MLR Use these estimates with modified Rankine vortex model to estimate symmetric tangential wind profile Add storm motion-derived wind asymmetry to reconstruct entire 2-D wind field

11 Sources of More Info Demuth et al. 2004 (JAM)
Demuth et al. (follow-up note submitted to JAM) Bessho et al. (submitted to JAM) Mueller et al. (submitted to Wea. Forecasting)

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