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3D Animation (HS) 1st - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team 2001-1)

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Presentation on theme: "3D Animation (HS) 1st - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team 2001-1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3D Animation (HS) 1st - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team )

2 Architectural Design (HS)
1st - Airport High School (Team )

3 Biotechnology (MS) 1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

4 Biotechnology Design (HS)
1st - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Airport High School (Team ) 4th - Lower Richland HS (Team )

5 Board Game Design (HS) 1st - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 4th - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 5th - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 6th - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 7th - Spring Valley High School (Team )

6 CAD Foundations (MS) 1st - Nicholas Preciado (Ten Oaks Middle School) 2nd - Connor Boyle (Ten Oaks Middle School) 3rd - Joshua Powell (Florence Chapel Middle School)

7 Career Prep (MS) 1st - Olivia McConnell (East Clarendon Middle School) 2nd - Mak Lominick (Florence Chapel Middle School) 3rd - Kaelyn Williamson (Ten Oaks Middle School) 4th - Sarah Sears (Florence Chapel Middle School)

8 Challenging Technology Issues (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 4th - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 5th - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

9 Children's Stories (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - East Clarendon Middle School (Team )

10 Children's Stories (HS)
1st - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 4th - Lower Richland HS (Team )

11 Coding (MS) 1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 4th - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 5th - D. R. Hill Middle School (Team ) 5th - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 6th - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

12 Coding (HS) 1st - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 2nd - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 3rd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 4th - Dutch Fork High School (Team )

13 Computer Aided Design, Engineering (HS)
1st - Arjun Verma (Dutch Fork High School) 2nd - Alijah Mcdonald (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 3rd - Daniel Brown (Center For Advanced Technical Studies) 3rd - Alex Walters (Dutch Fork High School) 4th - Evan Tatge (Applied Technology Education Campus) 5th - Kenneth Dobson (Barnwell High School) 6th - Derek Burk (Center For Advanced Technical Studies) 7th - Madison Locklear (Applied Technology Education Campus) 8th - Aniah Holliday (Lower Richland HS)

14 Debating Technological Issues (HS)
1st - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 4th - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 5th - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 6th - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 7th - Barnwell High School (Team ) 8th - Applied Technology Education Campus (Team ) 9th - East Clarendon High School (Team )

15 Digital Video Production (HS)
1st - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 2nd - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 3rd - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 3rd - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team )

16 Dragster (MS) 1st - Justin Short (Ten Oaks Middle School) 2nd - Jacob Avery (Florence Chapel Middle School) 3rd - Remington Logsdon (Florence Chapel Middle School) 4th - Zee Moss (Florence Chapel Middle School) 5th - Noah Mcabee (Florence Chapel Middle School)

17 Dragster Design (HS) 1st - Madison Benton (Applied Technology Education Campus) 2nd - Tyler Alonzo (Applied Technology Education Campus) 3rd - Madison Locklear (Applied Technology Education Campus) 4th - Titus Lee (Center For Advanced Technical Studies) 5th - Brianna Scott (Applied Technology Education Campus) 6th - Evan Tatge (Applied Technology Education Campus) 7th - Jacob Gladden (Applied Technology Education Campus)

18 Electrical Applications (MS)
1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - D. R. Hill Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 4th - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

19 Engineering Design (HS)
1st - Dutch Fork High School (Team )

20 Essays on Technology (MS)
1st - Charles Dugaw (Florence Chapel Middle School) 2nd - Colin Scholl (Ten Oaks Middle School) 3rd - Dylan Seppela (Florence Chapel Middle School) 4th - Caden Cook (East Clarendon Middle School) 5th - Sarah Sears (Florence Chapel Middle School)

21 Essays on Technology (HS)
1st - Rose Branton (Airport High School) 2nd - Grant King (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 2nd - Maha Mushtaq (Dutch Fork High School) 3rd - Kennedy Smith (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 3rd - Patrick Priore (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 4th - Jenna Hofseth (Dutch Fork High School) 5th - Koji Ishimori (Dutch Fork High School) 6th - Alyssa Williams (Spring Valley High School) 7th - Lukas Yost (Airport High School) 8th - Mckayla Moore (Lower Richland HS) 9th - Madison Benton (Applied Technology Education Campus)

22 Extemporaneous Speech (HS)
1st - Justin Kennedy (Dutch Fork High School) 2nd - Patrick Priore (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 2nd - Koji Ishimori (Dutch Fork High School) 3rd - Rithvik Oruganti (Barnwell High School) 4th - Joseph Turner (Dutch Fork High School)

23 Fashion Design and Technology (HS)
1st - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 2nd - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 3rd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 4th - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 5th - Airport High School (Team ) 6th - Barnwell High School (Team )

24 Flight (MS) 1st - Aiyanna Green (Ten Oaks Middle School) 2nd - Jacob Avery (Florence Chapel Middle School) 3rd - Gage Logsdon (Florence Chapel Middle School)

25 Flight Endurance (HS) 1st - Jenna Hofseth (Dutch Fork High School) 2nd - Kyler Spell (Center For Advanced Technical Studies) 3rd - Nolan Vores (Center For Advanced Technical Studies)

26 Forensic Science (HS) 1st - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 2nd - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 3rd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 4th - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 4th - Barnwell High School (Team ) 4th - Lower Richland HS (Team ) 5th - Lower Richland HS (Team ) 6th - Airport High School (Team ) 7th - Barnwell High School (Team )

27 Forensic Technology (MS)
1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

28 Future Technology Teacher (HS)
1st - Grace Laughlin (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 2nd - Chris Rice (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology)

29 Inventions and Innovations (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 4th - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

30 Junior Solar Sprint (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 4th - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 5th - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

31 Leadership Strategies (MS)
1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

32 Mass Production (MS) 1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

33 Mechanical Engineering (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

34 Medical Technology Issues (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

35 Music Production (HS) 1st - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Spring Valley High School (Team )

36 Off the Grid (MS) 1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 1st – Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )* 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) * Added back due to an error in scoring

37 On Demand Video (HS) 1st - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 4th - Barnwell High School (Team ) 4th - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 5th - Barnwell High School (Team ) 6th - Spring Valley High School (Team )

38 Prepared Presentation (HS)
1st - Mckayla Moore (Lower Richland HS) 2nd - Gracen Kay (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 3rd - Hinal Patel (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 4th - Mia Reno (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 5th - Aariona Goodwin (Lower Richland HS)

39 Prepared Speech (MS) 1st - Olivia McConnell (East Clarendon Middle School) 2nd - Olivia Nelson (Ten Oaks Middle School) 3rd - Sarah Sears (Florence Chapel Middle School) 4th - Jane Robitaille (Florence Chapel Middle School) 5th - Mak Lominick (Florence Chapel Middle School)

40 Problem Solving (MS) 1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - East Clarendon Middle School (Team ) 3rd - East Clarendon Middle School (Team )

41 Promotional Design (HS)
1st - William Owusu (Center For Advanced Technical Studies) 2nd - Amanda Tredge (Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology) 3rd - Noah Privette (Center For Advanced Technical Studies) 4th - Lidalis Bostic (Lower Richland HS) 5th - Tennare Jackson (Lower Richland HS) 6th - Derek Brown (Lower Richland HS) 7th - Lukas Yost (Airport High School)

42 Promotional Marketing (MS)
1st - Mak Lominick (Florence Chapel Middle School) 2nd - Shane Avery (Florence Chapel Middle School) 3rd - Jacob Avery (Florence Chapel Middle School)

43 SciVis (HS) 1st - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team )

44 Software Development (HS)
1st - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team )

45 Stem Animation (MS) 1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

46 Structural Design and Engineering (HS)
1st - Applied Technology Education Campus (Team ) 2nd - Applied Technology Education Campus (Team ) 3rd - Applied Technology Education Campus (Team )

47 Structural Engineering (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 4th - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

48 System Control Technology (MS)
1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

49 System Control Technology (HS)
1st - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 2nd - Airport High School (Team )

50 Tech Bowl (MS) 1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

51 Technical Design (MS) 1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 4th - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

52 Technology Bowl (HS) 1st - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 2nd - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 3rd - Spring Valley High School (Team )

53 Technology Problem Solving (HS)
1st - Barnwell High School (Team ) 2nd - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 3rd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 4th - East Clarendon High School (Team ) 5th - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 6th - Applied Technology Education Campus (Team ) 7th - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 8th - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 9th - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team ) 10th - Applied Technology Education Campus (Team )

54 Transportation Modeling (HS)
1st - Evan Tatge (Applied Technology Education Campus) 2nd - Jacob Gladden (Applied Technology Education Campus)

55 VEX (MS) 1st - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Florence Chapel Middle School (Team )

56 VEX (HS) 1st - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 2nd - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team )

57 VEX IQ (MS) 1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

58 Video Game Design (MS) 1st - R.H. Fulmer Middle School (Team ) 2nd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team ) 3rd - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

59 Video Game Design (HS) 1st - Spring Valley High School (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 4th - Center For Advanced Technical Studies (Team )

60 Webmaster (HS) 1st - Dutch Fork High School (Team ) 2nd - Academy For The Arts, Science, & Technology (Team ) 3rd - Barnwell High School (Team )

61 Website Design (MS) 1st - Ten Oaks Middle School (Team )

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