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US history 2.

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1 US history 2

2 Set up Book Account 1. Go to
2. Click on Sign Up 3. School Code: 4. Search for School: William L. Dickinson 5. Write your First and Last name 6. Write 7. Account Information 8. Agree to Terms 9. US History Text

3 Download Apps 1. Pearson etext 2.0 2. Bounce Pages
Put in your account you used 2. Bounce Pages Allows you to scan pages of text book for Video Media

4 Write as many Words to Describe what You See.

5 Video What did you Learn about the video and the picture?

6 Questions to Consider Read Causes of the Depression
1. Summarize the philosophies that led President Herbert Hoover to a presidential victory in 1928. 2. Contrast the experiences of farmers with those of urban workers during the economic boom of the 1920s. 3. Generate Explanations. Explain how an uneven distribution of wealth weakened the U.S. economy.

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