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Presentation on theme: "Seasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seasons

2 49) Seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth on its axis as it rotates around the Sun.

3 50) The tilt of the earth causes the sun’s rays to strike different parts of Earth at different angles.

4 51) Earth turns daily on an axis that is tilted relative to the plane of the Earth's yearly orbit around the sun.

5 52) Sunlight falls more intensely on different parts of the earth during different times of the year due the position of the Sun and Earth.

6 53) The angle of the Sun’s rays striking the Earth changes throughout the year due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis, causing our seasons. Summer – arctic circle

7 Winter in the Arctic Circle

8 54) The difference in heating of the earth's surface produces the planet's seasons.

9 55) The Earth’s tilt on its axis is the primary reason for the seasons.

10 56) The North Pole receives more radiation and sunlight during the summer than in winter.
summer….the sun never sets.

11 The North Pole receives more radiation and sunlight during the summer than in winter.
winter….the sun comes up for a short time

12 57) This changing amount of sunlight causes locations farther away from the equator to experience more temperature variations than areas near the equator.

13 58) The hemisphere tilted toward the sun is experiencing summer
58) The hemisphere tilted toward the sun is experiencing summer. The hemisphere tilted away from the sun is experience winter.

14 59) When the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing fall, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing spring.

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