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Using writing frames to stretch and scaffold.

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Presentation on theme: "Using writing frames to stretch and scaffold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using writing frames to stretch and scaffold.

2 Using writing frames You have 1 minute to discuss
Why use a writing frame? Be ready to feedback

3 Using writing frames You have 1 minute to discuss
What makes a good writing frame? Be ready to feedback

4 Using writing frames You will be presented with some different writing frames Spend 5 minutes discussing, why each writing frame is good and any ways they can be improved? Be ready to feedback

5 Examples that scaffold

6 How does this scaffold?

7 How does this scaffold?

8 Rocinha is the largest ……………….. in ……………………………..…
One challenge faced by people living in the …………… is that ……… This means that………………………………………………………………. A second challenge is ………………………………………………………… How does this scaffold? This means that…………………………………………………………….

9 Examples that stretch

10 Explain the contribution that farm diversification can make to rural rebranding. 10 marks
Intro : What does farm diversification mean, contribution can be both positive and negative Paragraph 1: Positive contributions Example Case study ……………………………… Explain Contribution …………………………. Paragraph 2: Negative contribution Example Contribution …………………….……. Conclusion How does this stretch?

11 Essay structure Create a hypothesis for the question in hand
How does this stretch? Create a hypothesis for the question in hand Analyse the data (text) you have in relation to your hypothesis Evaluate your findings against your hypothesis Conclude your findings from your analysis

12 Is this example stretch & scaffold?

13 D C B A Writing Frame Exam Style Question
Explain why average incomes in Rotherham are lower than in the rest of the UK marks The average incomes of people in Rotherham are lower than in the rest of the UK because ……………………………………. This means that ……………………………………. Additionally ……………………………..………….. Explain – give reasons why something happens D C 1 – 2 marks Response identifies one barrier. Limited development beyond a simple statement. Limited structure and basic use of geographical terminology 3 – 4 marks Response describes two barriers, some identifiable locational details. Some structure and clearly communicated but with limited use of geographical terminology. B A

14 Using writing frames Now it’s your turn…
Spend 30 minutes creating effective writing frames that scaffold and stretch in your curriculum area Be ready to feedback

15 Using writing frames Feedback for the final 15 minutes
Summarise what you have created in this session and how you think it will help students.

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