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Types of Mutations Not these….

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1 Types of Mutations Not these…

2 Point Mutations One nitrogen base gets replaced with another.
Examples: ATGCCTGA  ATGCGTGA THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT CAT ATE THE HAT The sentence has changed, but is still readable.

3 Frameshift Mutations One or more nitrogen bases are either added or removed. These are more serious mutations. Different types: Deletion – bases are removed Insertion – bases are added

4 Deletion Mutations One or more nitrogen bases get removed.
Examples: ATGCCTGA  ATGCTGA THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT CTA TET HER AT The sentence has changed significantly. It can’t be read anymore.

5 Insertion Mutations One or more nitrogen bases get added.
Examples: ATGCCTGA  ATGCTCTGA THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAA TCA TAT ETH ERA T The sentence has changed significantly. It can’t be read anymore.

6 Chromosomal Mutations
Large changes to the DNA. Whole sections of chromosomes get moved around Happens during cell division (mitosis or meiosis. Different types: Inversion – section of DNA gets flipped Translocation – section of DNA gets moved

7 Inversion Mutations A section of DNA gets flipped.
Examples: ATGCCTGA ATTCCGGA THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT ETA TAC THE RAT Part of the sentence has changed, but some can still be read.

8 Inversion Mutations Genes D, E, and F in (1) get flipped around in (2) and are in reverse order in (3).

9 Translocation Mutations
A section of DNA gets moved. Examples: ATGCCTGA ATGAGCCT THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT THE RAT CAT ATE Parts of the sentence can still be read, but the sentence doesn’t make sense as a whole.

10 Translocation Mutations
A large section of the grey chromosome gets misplaced on the end of the pink chromosome.

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