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#7 Education Image 8/25 Have your homework out

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1 #7 Education Image 8/25 Have your homework out

2 Vocabulary 1. vulgar 2. trite 3. provincial 4. cogent 5. effusive
How many words will be on the quiz this week? How much of Douglass do you need to read by Friday?

3 Due Every Wednesday Please label with the date
Every week, read about and respond to a current event. Write about the event in your HOMEWORK NOTEBOOK, according to the instructions below. Please have it out and open on your desk every WEDS. Please label with the date A. Describe the event or story. No sports, no simple crime stories, no celebrity gossip news. B. Full MLA citation of the source. It should be a newspaper, magazine, or reputable website. No TV news. Need help with an MLA citation? See the class website for links and for a full MLA manual. C. Give your reaction. Why is this event important? What larger issues does it relate to? What are your beliefs or opinions related to it?

4 The Rhetorical Situation
Triangle SOAPStone

5 #8 SOAPStone Another way to analyze the rhetorical situation. Subject
Occasion Audience Purpose Speaker Tone

6 #8 SOAPStone Do Scientists Pray? Einstein’s response, page 5. Subject
Occasion Audience Purpose Speaker Tone

7 Tone Handout Save it forever.

8 Combining Appeals ADD TO #8
Read Toni Morrison’s letter to Obama on page 18. Complete a SOAPStone for the letter. How is each appeal used?

9 For tomorrow: Complete “Syntax for the Superior Student.” Please write your paragraph on the back of the instruction sheet.

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