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Peer Edit Read your paper out loud to your partner.

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1 Peer Edit Read your paper out loud to your partner.
Trade papers and high light at least 3 areas where descriptions could be improved with figurative language devices such as: a. Simile- ex: the raindrops on the window were like an angry mob clambering to break in. b. Metaphor-ex: the commons was an ocean full of circling sharks anticipating their first tasty bite of me c. Personification- ex: my muscles screeched at me in pain, begging me to stop

2 3. Score your partner’s paper on the edit sheet and return both.
4. Take note of those highlighted sections and, on another sheet of paper, work on more vivid descriptions for those segments. Can you more vividly describe smell, touch, taste, sound and sight? 5. Identify, in a different highlighted color, two more areas that you could wake up with more descriptive language. Think about eliciting a response from your peers.

3 6. Rewrite those sections on your separate sheet of paper.
7. Staple your new description paper AND your edit score sheet to your rough draft! 8. Rough draft, edit sheet, new description sheet should ALL be stapled to the final draft on Thur.

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