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The Ancient World: 500 BCE.

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1 The Ancient World: 500 BCE


3 Greece was divided into several independent and often warring kingdoms
700 BCE – Greek Kingdoms Greece was divided into several independent and often warring kingdoms Each king’s power was supported by an army made up of part-time hoplite soldiers Hoplites were farmers, merchants,and artisans

4 650 BCE – 500 BCE: Revolt!!! The Greek people were growing discontent with the power of the kings Tyrants promised reforms in exchange for the support of the hoplites Many of the kings were overthrown and tyrants attempted to established their own power In most cases the tyrants were unsuccessful and were overthrown by hoplites

5 600 BCE – 300 BCE: The Greek Polis
Greece is once again divided into several (often warring) city-states called polis-political unit made up cities and villages The type of rule varied: limited democracy (Athens), oligarchy (Sparta), monarchy Only 10-15% actually were allowed to participate (Athens), oligarchy-ruled by a few people (Sparta)

6 338 BCE – 31 BCE: The decline of Greece and the Hellenistic Age
Population growth/ limited resources led many Greek Polis to establish colonies around the Mediterranean Led to spread of Greek culture and political traditions to neighboring people (Romans) and conflict (Persians) 338 BCE: Greece falls to invasion by Macedonia under Phillip II In 334: Alexander the Great led army to conquer Persians ushering in the Hellenistic Age The Hellenistic Age ends with the fall of Greece to Rome in 31 BCE

7 Greeks were polytheistic & believed that the gods were immortal but had human qualities; Religion became the basis for Greek mythology Zeus King of the gods Athena Goddess of wisdom Aphrodite Goddess of love Apollo God of sun & music Ares God of war Hades God of underworld Hera Goddess of family Poseidon God of the seas Aphrodite The sensual goddess of Love and Beauty Apollo The youthful god of the Sun and the Music Ares The fierce god of War Artemis The wild goddess of the Hunt Athena The sophisticated goddess of Wisdom and Arts Demeter The natural goddess of the Harvest Dionysus The joyful god of the Wine Hades The gloomy god of the Underworld Hephaestus The ill-favored god of Metallurgy Hera The mature goddess of the Family Hermes The cunning god of the Trade Hestia The calm goddess of the Hearth Poseidon The moody god of the Seas Zeus The heavenly King of the Gods and ruler of mankind

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