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English III - Vocabulary Lesson 7

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Presentation on theme: "English III - Vocabulary Lesson 7"— Presentation transcript:

1 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 7
bumptious rudiment cite sanction consonant satiate gibe subservient repartee vivacious

2 bumptious Adjective arrogant; crude; conceited

3 cite Verb to quote or mention

4 consonant Adjective – in agreement; harmonious
Noun - any letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel

5 gibe Verb – to make a mocking remark Noun - a taunt; a cruel remark

6 repartee Noun A quick, witty reply

7 rudiment(s) Noun a fundamental (basic) principle, rule, or step

8 sanction Noun – a step taken by a country to force another country to obey international law Verb – to confirm, approve, or permit

9 satiate Verb to fully satisfy an appetite

10 subservient Adjective Submissive; obedient

11 vivacious Adjective Animated; lively; spirited

12 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 8
comely irascible decadence miscreant erroneous ostentatious flaunt pretentious hypercritical stereotype

13 comely Adjective Having an attractive, pleasant appearance

14 decadence Noun period of decline or (moral) decay

15 erroneous Adjective wrong; mistaken; incorrect

16 flaunt Verb To show off proudly

17 hypercritical Adjective Too severe in judgment; overly critical

18 irascible adjective Easily angered; irritable; short-tempered

19 miscreant Noun - A criminal or evildoer
Adjective – criminal or evil (in behavior)

20 ostentatious Adjective showy; extravagant; overly done

21 pretentious Adjective Claiming undeserved attention or distinction

22 stereotype Noun a generalized, oversimplified view or opinion of a thing, an idea, or another group

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