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Her Majesty the Queen v. Dudley and Stephens

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1 Her Majesty the Queen v. Dudley and Stephens

2 MORE FACTS Taking the yacht from England to Australia in 1884
Yacht capsized 700 miles of the Cape of Good Hope on July 5th 13-foot lifeboat Drawing lots was discussed, but never happened

3 MORE FACTS Fourth person = a boy named Richard Parker
17 years old, an orphan July 24th, fell into a coma Fell into a coma, and Stephens killed him with a penknife. Dudley and Brooks ate him, Stephesn very little. Spotted land on July 29


5 Brooks set free Dudley and Stephens sentenced to death penalty Appealed…

6 Six months in prison

7 CONCLUSION Set a precedent throughout the common law world that necessity is not a defense to a charge of murder

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