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VS Running Shoes Market

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1 VS Running Shoes Market
Group 5: Cindy Chung Rudy Hsieh Nik Martin Yayoi Shimizu

2 BACKGROUND Impossible is nothing Run Happy

3 EARLY FINDINGS 34 total respondents


5 Research Question 1 Hypothesis :
What consumer preferences are correlated between Adidas and Brooks? Hypothesis :  1. The more attention a subject displays is because they are more involved in the ad. Respondents were less involved and will pay less attention to the Adidas ad compared to the Brooks ad. 3. The more complex the ad the less attention a respondent will give. 4. The more appeal an ad has the more attention it will be paid. 5. The more familiar a respondent with the brand the more involvement goes up.

6 CORRELATIONS A B C D E F G attention involvement familiarity ad appeal
1 attention involvement familiarity ad appeal complexity of ad 2 Pearson correlation .800** .532** .406** 3 .545** Adidas & Brooks Correlations

7 Correlations for Adidas Correlations for Brooks
attention involve 1 0.72** familiarity 0.41** Correlations for Brooks attention involve 1 0.85** **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

8 Research Question 2 Hypothesis :
Are the consumer’s preference different toward the Adidas or Brooks’ ad? Hypothesis :  1. The consumer preference are different between male and female. 2. The consumer preference are different among the age groups. 3. Each gender group has different consumer preference toward the ads. 4. Each generation group has different responses toward the ads.

9 Research Question 2 Are the consumer’s preference different toward the Adidas or Brooks’ ad? ANOVA N Mean Sig. adidas 19 4.5789 0.015 brooks 20 6.3 Total 39 5.4615 6.4737 3.3 4.8462 4.586 0.011 6.5917 5.6145 a. GENDERNUM = male

10 Research Question 2 Generation X N Mean Sig. familiarity adidas 3
N Mean Sig. familiarity adidas 3 8.3333 0.024 brooks 6 3.1667 Total 9 4.8889 a. generation = genX

11 Research Question 2 Generation Y N Mean Sig. attention adidas 22
N Mean Sig. attention adidas 22 4.2727 0.003 brooks 6.2273 Total 44 5.25 involve 4.4091 0.013 6.0909 familiarity 5.7727 0.007 3.5 4.6364 AD_APPEAL 4.3364 0.039 5.4898 4.9131 AD_COMPLEXITY 4.5076 0.009 6.3333 5.4205 a. generation = genY

12 Research Question 3 Hypothesis :
What is the overall consumer different preferences between Adidas and Brooks? Hypothesis :  1. Adidas products are more familiar to the survey takers than Brooks. Sig: 0.00 N Mean FAMILIARITY Adidas 28 6.3929 Brooks 3.4286 Total 56 4.9107 2. The Brooks ad is slightly more appealing than the Adidas ad. Sig: 0.045 N Mean AD_APPEAL Adidas 28 4.4405 Brooks 5.3634 Total 56 4.9019 3. The Brooks ad is more complicated than the Adidas ad. Sig: 0.004 N Mean COMPLEXITY_OF_AD Adidas 28 4.719 Brooks 6.3988 Total 56 5.5589


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