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Chapter 20 - Revolutions.

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1 Chapter 20 - Revolutions




5 Content Expectations Analyze causes and consequences of major political revolutions. (American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, etc.) Describe Nationalism and its role in increasing global interactions.

6 Ism’s Ism’s worksheet. Nationalism – 1. national spirit.
2. devotion and loyalty to one's own nation; patriotism. 3. the desire for national advancement.

7 What is a Revolution? We are going to be talking about many revolutions around the world, but first we need to find out what is a revolution? What is a revolution worksheet.

8 Revolution 1. A sudden, or complete change in something.
2. An overthrow and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. 3. Sociology. A radical change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence.

9 Revolutions You will analyze 5 countries revolutions.
You will write down the nation you choose, what led to or caused the revolution in that country, what year did the revolution start, what “isms” were involved, and what was the consequences or results of the revolution (how did life change in that country)? You will do America, France and then pick three countries from chapter 20 to analyze.

10 Timeline Create a timeline starting in 1776 with the American revolution. Then label 10 revolutions and the years the revolution started. 5 revolutions should include the “isms” that were involved (from the country activity we did). NEAT!!!!! COLORFUL!!!!!

11 Revolutions Put on the board several countries that had revolutions from What caused these revolutions? What year did the revolution start? What “isms” were involved? What was the result? Example: Haiti – slaves revolt after hearing about the ideas of liberty and equality. Liberalism, Republicanism. Haiti wins against France and becomes a republic.

12 Specifics Conservatives favor the way things were (at this time that is Monarchies). In fact in France voters support Louis Napoleon because they think a monarchy is more stable than a republic.

13 Specifics Liberals favor natural rights of people. Talked about the “bourgeoisie” (middle class) a lot so sometimes called “bourgeoisie (middle class) liberalism”. They wanted laissez-faire economics as the best way to help businesses succeed. Nationalist favor their nation and often their people. Sometimes want to create a homeland for their common heritage people (German land for German people).

14 Lasting Effect After the American Revolution the idea of freedom and liberty has spread throughout the world. What countries can we think of that have a democracy or republican form of government now?

15 What was this? Polity Scale is a way to measure democratic nations. It is for nations of 500,000 or more people and measures the openness and level of participation during a nations elections.

16 The Economist Democracy Index (December 2010)
What areas of the world are we most worried about when it comes to our security? The Economist Democracy Index (December 2010) The palest blue countries get a score above 9 out of 10 (with Norway being the most democratic country at 9.80), while the black countries score below 3 (with North Korea being the least democratic at 1.08).

17 Content Expectations Analyze causes and consequences of major political revolutions. (American Revolution, French Revolution, Haitian Revolution, etc.) Describe Nationalism and its role in increasing global interactions.

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