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Communist China since 1949.

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Presentation on theme: "Communist China since 1949."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communist China since 1949

2 Civil War Mao Zedong Chiang Kai-shek

3 Great Leap Forward 1955: Chinese Gov. starts new program to build socialist society Private farmland collectivized Industry and commerce nationalized 1958: GREAT LEAP FORWARD Combined collective farms into large communes Fails miserably, millions starve

4 Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Permanent Revolution: An atmosphere of constant revolutionary fervor Mao believed only this could produce a classless society Started to create a working-class culture

5 Cultural Revolution: Effects
Red Guards formed to eliminate “FOUR OLDS” Old IDEAS, CULTURE, CUSTOMS, HABITS attacked Destroyed temples, foreign books, music, etc. Street signs changed to revolutionary names Pro-Western people and ideas were targeted

6 China after Mao Mao dies 1976 Deng Xiaoping ended Cultural Revolution
Four Modernizations: Industry, Agriculture, Technology, National Defense Modernization worked Standard of living rose

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