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1.3.1 Function of Food Why do we need food?.

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Presentation on theme: "1.3.1 Function of Food Why do we need food?."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.3.1 Function of Food Why do we need food?

2 Food is needed for: Energy Growth of new cells and
Repair of existing cells, tissues, organs, etc.

3 Food also supplies: the materials and energy for the processes of:
Metabolism and Continuity

4 Learning check Why do we need food? What is metabolism?
Energy Growth of new cells and Repair of existing cells, tissues, organs, etc. What is metabolism? Metabolism is the chemical reactions that occur in the cells of living organisms What is continuity? Continuity of life is the ability of an organism to exist from generation to the next

5 Need to know The Function of Food Three reasons for requiring food


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