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Writing a Position Paper – A Review

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1 Writing a Position Paper – A Review
“Your first impression to the committee chair.”

2 The Purpose of the Position Paper
“To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the issue at hand and address it in a proper manner.” Explain: Your country’s position on the issue. What it has done about the issue. The solutions that it offers.

3 Heading Committee, Topic, Country, School ( + Delegate Name, sometimes) State your country’s FULL name. (Example – not North Korea, but Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) Goes on the LEFT side Committee: UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY – THE THIRD COMMITTEE (SOCHUM) Topic: THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Country: DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA School: CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL

4 The Text: “Hamburger Method”

5 1st Paragraph – Top Bun Introduce your country’s perspective:
State how your country is affected by the issue State how the whole world is affected by the issue Should be the shortest paragraph in the position paper

6 2nd Paragraph – Filling #1
What did your country do about the issue on a national level? National policies, mandates, programs, etc. Specifics, statistics, and results Usually, the largest of the “three fillings” in the 2nd paragraph.

7 2nd Paragraph Cont’d – Filling #2
What did your country do on a regional level? Continuation from Filling #1, but on a bit larger scale. Programs/actions in your country’s continent, region, etc. Specifics, statistics, and results

8 2nd Paragraph Cont’d – Filling #3
What did your country do on an international level? Programs/actions on an international level Specifics, statistics, and results Usually, delegates who are strong in this section have an advantage at coming up with global solutions.

9 3rd Paragraph – Bottom Bun
What solutions can your country provide to solve the issue? Be specific in your plans, including how to fund it, how to get the labor for it, etc. Two or more solutions will sound the best.

10 3rd Paragraph Cont’d If you have two solutions,
1. Strongest solution. (Make it big; elaborate a lot.) 2. Second strongest solution. (“Plan B”) If you have three solutions, 1. Second strongest solution. 2. Third strongest solution. (Weakest) 3. Strongest solution. (Good final impression!)

11 Various Tips The position paper is about what your country thinks, not what you think. (e.g. – Cuba, Syria) Never, never, never use 1st person or 2nd person. Always refer to your country as the “Nation of…” or the “Republic of…”, etc. Details are important, but don’t over-write. One page usually is enough. Always keep the proper format. Your content may be Harvard-level, but if it does not follow proper format, the paper fails to make a good impression.

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