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Genre Study Feature Articles.

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1 Genre Study Feature Articles

2 Lesson 1 What is a feature article
Feature stories are a natural extension of storytelling and that writers must find the “nuggets” in their story subjects. A nugget makes the subject interesting and worth reading about. The writer must then paint a picture with words that will keep the reader interested.

3 Feature Articles-Nugget means focus on an aspect of an interesting person, place, or thing.
A feature story focuses on an interesting person, place, or thing. The key word is focused. The key concept of a feature article is that the subject should be interesting to many people Let’s look at a variety of different feature stories.

4 Purpose of Feature Stories
Feature stories are written to entertain, or amuse, and sometimes to persuade people at the same time. They also can be to inform about something important that readers may not be aware of. Let’s read the Polar Bear, Grizzlie Bear article together. What do you think the purpose of it is? What are the main ideas? Now let’s read the apps feature story. What is the purpose of this article?

5 Lesson 2 - Feature Story Elements
Catchy Title Attention getting introduction that hooks the reader Text Features- text boxes, illustrations, pictures, maps, videos Facts Quotations Descriptive language Sources of information

6 Your turn to analyze the elements
Work as a group to fill in the elements checklist based on the feature story I give to you. Use everest and soccer story

7 Lesson 3 Structure of a Feature Article
A feature story teaches readers different things about a subject.It uses facts, details,quotations, and examples to provide the information. Here are key parts Introduction Transition words to link ideas Organization- the body: sections divided by subheadings for each key subtopic Ending

8 Introduction The introduction has two purposes : 1) to get the reader hooked, or interested in reading, and 2) to inform the reader of the key sub topics that will be in the article ( one in each section) Let’s analyze how Everest introduces the topic. After we read it, turn and talk. What do you notice? What topics do you think will be covered.

9 Organization: The Body
A feature story is organized into sections based on the sub- topics the writer wants to cover. These subtopics are usually stated in the introduction and written in a sequence of sections, which are designated by subheadings. Only one subtopic per section. Each section can have a different paragraph structure: cause/effect; problem solution; sequence’ describing. Let’s look at Everest. What is the main paragraph structure Everest uses? Why Let’s look at Harry Potter. Which structure does the paragraphs use? Why?

10 Lesson 4-Structure Continued: Transitions and Ending
Transition, or linking words help connect ideas and more the article smoothly. Examples: according to, as a result, as a consequence ( cause/effect); however, unlike, on the other hand ( compare and contrast) After, finally (sequence) End/Conclusion restates main idea, and offers a closing thought or follow up question. Let’s look at Titanic and how it is concluded.and Earth and how it is concluded.

11 Lesson 5-Elaboration Great Feature Articles inform their readers by elaborating , providing a variety of information using facts, details, examples, dates, quotes, and appropriate vocabulary. Let’s see how Everest and Titanic do this. They oraganize their writing to make it friendly to the audience

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