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Directions: Carefully read each of the following multiple-choice items and the four possible answers. Select the correct response and mark the letter.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions: Carefully read each of the following multiple-choice items and the four possible answers. Select the correct response and mark the letter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions: Carefully read each of the following multiple-choice items and the four possible answers. Select the correct response and mark the letter of the correct answer.

2 Which document is used by the principal to prepare a list of the topics that will be discussed at the next staff meeting? Agenda Personal Business Letter Research Report Table

3 What component does an agenda have in common with a table of contents?
Date List of topics Page number Time slots

4 3. What is the spacing in the entire body of a research report?
Single Double Triple Quadruple

5 4. What paragraph format is used for works cited?
Border Indented Block Hanging Indent

6 5. What document would the secretary type to indicate the discussion from the meeting earlier that day? Minutes Agenda Reports Table of Contents

7 6. Kim’s Social Studies teacher has assigned her to research countries in Europe. What type of document would best summarize her research? Minutes Agenda Report Table of Contents

8 7. Which part of a Social Studies report will list all of the sources?
Table of Contents Title Page Work Cited Report Body

9 8. Keith prepared a report on different shoe companies
8. Keith prepared a report on different shoe companies. Which part of the report lists page numbers for each shoe company? Table of Contents Title Page Work Cited Report Body

10 Keith prepared a report on different shoe companies
Keith prepared a report on different shoe companies. Which part of the report is used as the cover? Table of Contents Title Page Work Cited Report Body

11 10. Which two documents have the most components in common?
Agenda and Business Letter Business Letter and Minutes Letter and Research Report Minutes and Agenda

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