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Presentation on theme: "TODAY’S STUDENTS, TOMORROW’S TERRORISTS:"— Presentation transcript:

An Analysis of Education and Extremist Participation Clara Braun, Gina S. Ligon, Ph.D., & Douglas C. Derrick, Ph.D. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under Grant Award Number 17STQAC The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

2 CASE STUDIES Jesse Noelle
M.A. in International Affairs from Columbia University Worked for U.S. support efforts in Morocco Charged for material support Noelle High school GED Worked as home health aide after completing training at 21 Charged for plotting behaviors

3 AGENDA 1. Theoretical Support 2. Research Question 3. Hypothesis
Methodology 4. Methodology 5. Findings 6. Conclusion

4 GENERAL STRAIN THEORY Strain Negative Emotion Criminal Behavior

5 RESEARCH QUESTION What is the relationship between level of educational attainment and degree of criminal participation among Salafist-inspired homegrown violent extremists?

6 HYPOTHESIS Criminal Participant Education
Homegrown violent extremists who have completed technical or vocational programs and/or have obtained bachelor degrees will be lower level criminal participants on behalf of foreign terrorist organizations.

VARIABLES CRIMINAL CLASSIFICATION EDUCATION No High School High School Some College Graduated with degree or vocational certificate High Level Attacker Plotter Low Level Material Support Foreign Fighter Other

8 METHODOLOGY Identified a sample of 215 homegrown violent extremists
Gathered data Academic publications Court documents News sources Analysis Bivariate Correlations

9 Criminal Classification
FINDINGS & DISCUSSION Criminal Classification Education Attacker .14* Plotter -.08 Foreign Fighter -.04 Material Support -.01 Other .01 28 Attackers Average age of 30 Majority had some college or had a completed degree or vocational certificate

10 Criminal Classification
FINDINGS & DISCUSSION Criminal Classification Education Attacker .14* Plotter -.08 Foreign Fighter -.04 Material Support -.01 Other .01 28 Attackers Average age of 30 Majority had some college or had a completed degree or vocational certificate

11 Discussion A possible explanation Underemployment
Degree in Information Systems, worked as security guards Degree in pharmacology, worked as health inspector Enrolled in medical programs, worked as grocery store employee

12 CONCLUSION Examining underemployment using alternative measure
Cumulative Strain Chronic Strain structural barriers that inhibit growth E.g., education and income level Uncontrolled Strain connectedness to people or institutions E.g., education and employment

13 Clara Braun
Thank You Clara Braun


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