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Outline of Your IRR Use the following form for your outline: 1) Research Question & Perspective 2) First Perspective/Argument Claim #1 Evidence Claim #2.

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Presentation on theme: "Outline of Your IRR Use the following form for your outline: 1) Research Question & Perspective 2) First Perspective/Argument Claim #1 Evidence Claim #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline of Your IRR Use the following form for your outline: 1) Research Question & Perspective 2) First Perspective/Argument Claim #1 Evidence Claim #2 3) Second Perspective/Argument

2 Outline of Your IRR - Continued
4) Third Perspective/Argument Claim #1 Evidence Claim #2 5) Overall Conclusion / Argument

3 Outline of an IRR Read the IRR example: “Worldwide Legalization of Rhino Horn Trade: The Political Considerations.” Create an outline for this paper. List the various perspectives/arguments used along with the claims. Provide a brief summary of evidence cited to support each claim.

4 Upcoming Due Dates Tuesday, Jan. 22 – Beginning of class Outline of your Individual Research Report Turn in a hard copy of this. Tuesday, Jan. 29 – Beginning of class First Draft of IRR. This can be a hard copy or a shared document.

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