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Research Methods PSYA1 Lesson 4.

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1 Research Methods PSYA1 Lesson 4

2 Starter Answer the following questions (alone)
What is a pilot study? (1) Give two reasons why a pilot study is important. (2) What is reliability? (1) Why is a ruler a reliable measurement for distance? (1) What is internal validity? (1) What is external validity? Give three types of external validity. (4) Name two extraneous variables. (2) If an extraneous variable causes a change in the DV it is known as a… (1) Name one situational variable. (1)

3 Learning Objectives: 1) To develop an understanding of ethical considerations in psychological research. Success Criteria: 1) Complete a table showing ethical issues and how to deal with them. 2) Watch a video about ethical issues. 3) Take part in an ethical committee meeting.

4 Task You will listen to a 12 minute ethics presentation.
During the presentation you will need to complete page 25 of your booklet. At the end of the presentation you will have 5 minutes to complete any blank sections using page of the textbook.

5 Ethical issues - video

6 Unethical Studies  Read through the unethical psychological experiments and complete the table below: (You can use page 88 of your textbook) Study Number What ethical guideline was broken How could the study be made more ethical? 1 – Landis (1924) 2 – Aversion Therapy 3 – Dr Money

7 Ethic Committee Divide into groups of 4-5
Each group will be given two cards One card is for the ‘psychologist’ One card is for the rest of the group – the ‘ethics committee’ The psychologist must read out their research proposal to the committee The committee must come to an agreement about whether the research can go ahead.

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