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SPS 1 and 5 during W7-9 2019 J.MEIGNAN EN-ACE-OSS 20/02/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "SPS 1 and 5 during W7-9 2019 J.MEIGNAN EN-ACE-OSS 20/02/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPS 1 and 5 during W J.MEIGNAN EN-ACE-OSS 20/02/2019

2 Update for WP4 water feeding
SPS1 Works in false floor in BA1 from 02/09/19 to 23/09/19 (3 weeks) Water cut (primary cooling circuit) the last week SPS5 Works in false floor in BA5 from 18/11/19 to 09/12/19 (3 weeks) Water cut (RIA in ECX5/ECA5) the last week (Fire hydrants outside = operational) 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

3 Warning Helium line coming from BA6 to BA4 This line is NOT OBSOLETE
Issue for civil engineering Issue for the safety on the crane bridge 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

4 Activities ongoing week 7-8
Point 1 BA1: Transformer maintenance LSS1-/Arc1-: Safety cable trays Shaft/TA/TT10: Fire safety WP3 (Dry riser): TT10 OK, TA/shaft almost finished Puisard maintenance Smoothing survey ongoing: high values to correct vertically (+2,5mm!) 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

5 Activities ongoing week 7-8
Point 5 BA5: Decabling (also in TA/Shaft) Ethernet cables (until 01/03/19) Power converters reconfiguration Arc5-: Ac coating finished LSS5 Decabling campaign 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

6 Activities ongoing week 7-8
Point 5 ECX5 Moving of the cable trays in the tunnel eye Arc 5+: Fire safety WP3 (fire safety) BB5: Mock up ongoing (and impressive!) 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

7 Activities scheduled on week 9
Point 1: BA1: MKDV racks dismantling Point 5: BA5 Power converters reconfiguration Lift maintenance: 04/03 6am to 8am in BA5 LSS5 Decabling campaign Transmission line installation 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

8 Any questions?

9 Reminder: rules near BA5
To avoid problems seen during other YETS/EYETS with neighbours Road to use Pedestrian roads Parking outside point 5 : forbidden 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

10 **Supports Equipment owners are responsible of their supports
They are in charge to organise their removal, packaging and storage EN-HE will transport these supports to the storage place 20/02/2019 J.MEIGNAN

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