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Class Agenda 1/13/15 1. Redemption is … 2. “On War and Redemption”

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1 Class Agenda 1/13/15 1. Redemption is … 2. “On War and Redemption”
-Read and annotate article 3. Mind Map 4. Gallery Walk Today you will, in writing and orally, determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development while summarizing the key supporting details and ideas through annotation, a mind map, and a gallery walk using phrases such as “connecting idea” and “central themes”.

2 Redemption is … On the post-it note, complete the phrase with one or two words Redemption is ___________ Hold on the to the post-it note! You will read your response out loud.

3 “On War and Redemption”
Read the editorial “On War and Redemption” by Timothy Kudo Annotate the article concerning the theme redemption Write your own comments next to your annotations Connections Personal statements Questions Aha! moments

4 Turn and Talk Turn to a partner and share two to three of your annotations. Discuss briefly the article concerning the question: Is redemption possible? Can a person atone for his or her “sins”?

5 Mind Map You will create a mind map around the central theme of redemption Look at the handout and create your own mind map. This is a visual representation of ideas about a central topic, and you can view connections between different “branches” or “twigs” You may use a blank piece of paper- either small or big You may use the markers and colored pencils in class The mind map is due in 20 minutes; you will look at other students’ work

6 Gallery Walk You will view at least five students’ mind maps
Write down three things or “aha!” moments We will have a Socratic Seminar on Thursday, January 15, Come to class PREPARED to speak with TWO questions!

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