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Drinking While Pregnant

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1 Drinking While Pregnant
Shayna Hack Rigo Guiterrez Rashad Wadood Arizona State University Spring 2013

2 What is Action Research
Research that is launches a problem that is in need of problem solving.

3 Steps in Action Research
Identify the problem Collection of data Interpretation Action based on data Reflection

4 Identify the problem Definition: Seeing the problem before trying to solve it.


6 3. Do you think it goes against our American rights to illegalize pregnant women from purchasing alcohol? Data/interpret data 4. Should there be any law enforcement behind the U.S. Surgeon General warning labels?

7 5. Why do you think laws are more enforced towards underage drinking opposed to pregnant women drinking? Data/interpret data 6. Even though non-alcoholic beers have less than 1% alcohol, should pregnant women be allowed to drink it?

8 Data/interpret data

9 9. What are some reasonable consequences if a mother is drinking while pregnant and affects the child? Data/interpret data 10. Will there be complications with not being able to distinguish if a woman is pregnant or not?

10 Data/interpret data 11. Can you think of any alternative ways to
distinguish if a woman is pregnant or not? Data/interpret data 12. Do you think the restaurant should have the rights to ask a woman if she is pregnant or not?

11 Action based on data

12 Reflection According to, in a recent study, 400,000 women consumed alcohol and there were no affects on the child when consumption was under 8.5 drinks per week. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome only occurs among heavy drinkers/alcoholics A follow-up of children at 18 months of age found that those from women who drank during pregnancy, even two drinks per day, scored higher in several areas of development.

13 Thank you!

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