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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOM PROCEDURES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Beginning of the Period
Be on time & in your seat when the bell rings. Take out your supplies (binder & Pencil!) Copy the Bell Ringer Problem & Math Vocabulary of the Day. Write down the HL in your agenda. Place in your desk the previous day’s HL.

3 End of the Period Check around your seat for any trash paper to throw away or materials on the floor to pick up. Patiently walk to the door by row.

4 Excused Absence Place ADMIT in my FORMS basket.
Copy the HL from the board Retrieve any handouts completed on the day(s) you missed. Turn in the HOME LEARNING BY the next class.

5 Home Learning Copy it down in your agenda.
Begin in class if instructed to and finish at home. Highlight or circle your answers. Demonstrate solutions or it will not be accepted. Must be completed with a PENCIL. Use proper heading.

6 Math Vocabulary Write it down daily in your binder section.
Number each word. Draw an example next to the word. Study the words. Will be checked periodically. Will be used for a math project.

7 BEHAVIOR Moving Around the Classroom is not permitted.
Gum Chewing is not tolerated! In order to hear the Intercom Announcements, all talking must stop. Moving Around the Classroom is not permitted.

8 Detention Slips Sign it and taking to your parent for signature.
Serve the detention on time, If you miss the 1st detention, you will get a 2nd one. If you miss the second detention, I will call to parent or guardian. After 3 detention you will receive a referral to administration.

9 “Special” Forms (Forms that require my signature)
Quietly place the form on my desk. Request the form 5 minutes prior to end of the period, IF I do not hand it to you earlier.

10 Tardiness Quietly place the “excused” notice on my desk.
If you DON’T HAVE A PASS, sign the LATE log. Three Unexcused tardiness are equivalent to a detention.

11 Text Books Sign your name on the textbook you are given for CW / HL.
Cover the book to protect it from getting damaged ( Keep it in safety place at home. Return TEXT-BOOK to the shelf at the end of the period when instructed to. Do not throw the book or make any scratch on it (you are responsible for it).

12 Turning In/Passing Papers
If/when you receive the stack of papers, place yours on top of your desk and continue passing to next student in your row. To return papers I will come by and collect all papers from the last desk of each row.

13 “What to do next Activities” If you finish assignment before time is called
Start on tonight’s home learning. Review or catch up with vocabulary words.

14 Rewards Celebrate the recognition with your family!
Students who earn an “A” or a “B” each nine weeks as a final grade will be recognized for their efforts and dedication with a certificate of outstanding Achievement. Celebrate the recognition with your family!


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