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Watch this VIDEO and decide what your favorite was and why.

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Presentation on theme: "Watch this VIDEO and decide what your favorite was and why."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watch this VIDEO and decide what your favorite was and why.
Snippet Watch this VIDEO and decide what your favorite was and why.

2 At Any Time Did You: Laugh Smile Think “That would be fun”
Feel hungry/ crave chocolate Feel uncomfortable Feel confused If you answered “YES” to any of these… Commercials had a effect on you!

3 Fallacies in Advertising
Media Studies Fallacies in Advertising

4 What is Advertising? Calling attention to a product, person or service. Especially paid ads found on tv, in movies, on the radio ect.

5 Techniques Companies use techniques to convince you to buy their stuff. Examples?

6 Fallacies A mistaken belief, based on an unsound argument.
Purposefully misleading.

7 Common Fallacies Include:
Celebrity Endorsement: A claim by a famous person that they use the product.

8 Testimonial: A claim that the product works, usually by average people.

9 Bandwagon The “everybody’s doing it” argument.

10 Scientific Evidence Using phrases and words that sound like real science.

11 Sex Using sexual images or suggestions to sell the product.

12 Playing on Emotion Using fear, guilt, sadness, humour (most popular and effective) or jealousy to make you want to purchase a product.

13 Health Nut Claims the product is healthy, usually partnered with scientific evidence.

14 Cartoon Characters Using characters that appeal to children to sell the product.

15 Name Calling Using harsh words to describe the competition.

16 Weasel Words Using words that are not clear. Natural flavours...
Could see results as soon as... May experience 99% reduction in wrinkles... Better or new and improved... Most users experience...

17 Ads are everywhere... Adds are Found: Bus, movies Tv, magazines App
Youtube Billboards Social Media Packaging Adds are NOT found: The woods...

18 WE CAN’T ESCAPE But we can be aware.
Ask: “What do they want?” “Am I willing to give it to them? Be skeptical about commercials. Think about what ads are saying or not saying.

19 Impacts Advertising gets us, weather we believe it or not.
And it has effects on us too. They wouldn’t spend billions of dollars on it if it didn’t. 10 Lies Advertising Sold You

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