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Ratified Approved.

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Presentation on theme: "Ratified Approved."— Presentation transcript:

1 ratified Approved

2 bicameral Made up of two houses, a Senate and a House of Representatives

3 unitary undivided

4 Ad interim temporary

5 Protege Someone who receives support and guidance from another person.

6 adjutant Staff officer who assist the commanding officer.

7 dictator A ruler with total power.

8 courier A messenger sent on an urgent mission.

9 skirmish A brief fight between two small groups of soldiers.

10 War council A meeting of army leaders to plan a course of action for battle.

11 siesta A rest taken after the noon meal.

12 Manifest destination The belief that the United States had the right and duty to expand to the Pacific Ocean.

13 Institutional loans Money lent by a bank or a business.

14 negotiate To reach an agreement through compromise.

15 renege To back out of an agreement.

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