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What are other cell parts?

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Presentation on theme: "What are other cell parts?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are other cell parts?
Chapter 2.4 What are other cell parts?

2 Organelles Organelles: is a small structure inside a cell that has its own special function.

3 Mitochondria Mitochondria: structure that makes energy for a cell. They are known as a “powerhouses” of the cell.

4 Endoplasmic reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum: a small network of tubes inside a cell that substances move along.

5 Ribosomes Ribosomes: a small, round structure that makes proteins. Proteins are needed for growth and life processes. Ribosomes are either attached to ER or scattered in the cytoplasm.

6 Golgi Bodies Golgi bodies: is an organelle that packages and sends materials to other places in the cell.

7 Vacuoles Vacuoles: a space in the cytoplasm that stores food and waste (usually water). Plant cells have usually one big vacuole, whereas animal cells have many small vacuoles.

8 Lysosomes Lysosome: a small round structure that have chemicals breaking down nutrient molecules and old cell parts. When some organelles stop working, lysosomes break down and recycle old cell parts so that they can be used again.



11 Checking concepts: What are organelles?

12 Why are the mitochondria called the “powerhouses” of the cell?

13 What are the small storage spaces in a cell called?

14 What is the job of the Golgi bodies?

15 How are the lysosomes like a cleanup crew?

16 Fill in blanks. The “powerhouses” of the cell are _______________.
__________ is a small round structure that breaks down nutrient molecules and old cell parts. Proteins are produced by ____________. Vacuoles store _______ and _______. ________________ is a small network of tubes inside a cell that substances move along. ____________ are small structures that are suspended in the cytoplasm. The function of Golgi body is to ______________________________.

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