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Mind’s On – Video Discussion

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2 Mind’s On – Video Discussion

3 Social Stratification

4 What Is It? Structured system of inequality in society Ranks people in society according to a hierarchy Leads to unequal distribution of rewards according to: Race Class Gender Ethnicity Age

5 Systems of Social Stratification
Sociologists use two standards to describe social stratification: Closed System: Allows for little change in social position Ascribed status Open System: Permit flexibility and opportunity Achieved status Allow for social mobility

6 Class System in Canada In Canada, we are divided into social classes
Segment of society who share values, norms, lifestyle, education, and type of work Can also be influenced by an ascribed status (gender, race and age) We also hold belief in the idea of meritocracy (we earn rewards through personal effort) Does everyone truly have equal opportunity? Do you agree Canada is a meritocracy?

7 Class Structure in Canada
Upper Class High wealth (often inherited) 3-5% of the population See stats on wealthiest families (pg. 169) Middle Class Largest social class in Canada 40-50% in the middle class “White collar” workers, especially the upper middle class (family incomes of $50,000-$100,000) Tremendous influence on trends in culture eg. TV shows focus on middle class families Commerical ads directed to MC Working Class 30 % of the population Typically “blue collar” workers Lower Class 15-20% of population Very low income Sometimes supported by welfare Often limited because of disability, lack of training, age or familial responsibility Unable to acquire same goods and services as other classes

8 Textbooks! Read pg. 162-165 and in your notes define: Achieved Status
Ascribed Status Social Mobility Horizontal Mobility Vertical Mobility Intergenerational Mobility Intragenerational Mobility Read pg and answer the questions

9 Wrap Up – Connect the Ideas
Simple! On the Post It you’ve been given answer these two questions: What would the Neo-Marxist think of all this? How would a Cultural Materialist compare Canada to a less developed part of the world in regards to stratification?

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