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Westward Expansion, Industrialization & Progressives Unit 6

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1 Westward Expansion, Industrialization & Progressives Unit 6
Learning Target: I can use keywords and/or visuals to master vocabulary in Unit 6.

2 New Immigration ~20 million southern and eastern Europeans emigrated to the U.S. West Coast-Chinese and Japanese

3 Assimilation Immigrants culture disappears into American culture.
Melting Pot

4 Pluralism Immigrants don’t lose their characteristics. Salad Bowl
China Town, Little Harlem

5 Quotas Limits the number of immigrants allowed in the U.S. each year.
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Emergency Quota Act of 1921 National Origins Act of 1924

6 Homestead Act 1862 160 acres land for free to citizens/intended citizens to head of household. 600,000 families got land. Must farm the land 5 years.

7 Dawes Act 1887 Native Americans assimilate-give up their beliefs/way of life and “Americanize”

8 Nativism Anti-immigrant feelings “America for the Americans”

9 Know-Nothing Party 1850’s Political group that tried to limit voting of immigrants & keep Catholics out of office. Nativists

10 “Gentleman’s Agreement”
1907 Greatly reduced the number of Japanese immigrants.

11 16th Amendment 1913 Gives Congress the power to tax incomes.

12 17th Amendment 1913 Election of U.S. Senators by the people of their state, not the state legislature. Increases people’s participation.

13 18th Amendment 1919 Prohibits the manufacturing, sale and transportation of alcohol. Repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933.

14 19th Amendment 1920 Grants voting rights to women. Suffrage = voting

15 Sherman Anti-Trust Act
1890 To prevent monopolies that interfere with free trade.

16 Bimetallism Populists pushed for the use of both gold and silver as a basis for a national monetary system.

17 Interstate Commerce Act
1887 The federal government has the right to supervise railroad activities. Munn vs. Illinois Wabash vs. Illinois

18 Political Machine Group that controls a political party in a city and gives jobs/aid in exchange for votes.

19 Muckrakers Journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900’s.

20 Populism Political movement demanding that people have a greater voice in government. Farmers and laborers.

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