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Digital Signal Processing

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Signal Processing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Signal Processing
Prof. Nizamettin AYDIN

2 Digital Signal Processing
Lecture 22 Sampling and Reconstruction (Fourier View)

3 LECTURE OBJECTIVES Sampling Theorem Revisited
GENERAL: in the FREQUENCY DOMAIN Fourier transform of sampled signal Reconstruction from samples Reading: Chap 12, Section 12-3 Review of FT properties Convolution  multiplication Frequency shifting Review of AM

4 Table of FT Properties Delay Property Frequency Shifting Scaling

5 Amplitude Modulator Phase x(t) modulates the amplitude of the cosine wave. The result in the frequency-domain is two SHIFTED copies of X(jw).

6 DSBAM: Frequency-Domain
“Typical” bandlimited input signal Frequency-shifted copies Upper sideband Lower sideband

7 DSBAM Demod Phase Synch

8 Quadrature Modulator TWO signals on ONE channel: “out of phase”
Can you “separate” them in the demodulator ?

9 Demod: Quadrature System

10 Quadrature Modulation: 4 sigs
8700 Hz 3600 Hz

11 Ideal C-to-D Converter
Mathematical Model for A-to-D FOURIER TRANSFORM of xs(t) ???

12 Periodic Impulse Train
Fourier Series

13 FT of Impulse Train

14 Impulse Train Sampling

15 Illustration of Sampling

16 Sampling: Freq. Domain EXPECT FREQUENCY SHIFTING !!!

17 Frequency-Domain Analysis

18 Frequency-Domain Representation of Sampling
“Typical” bandlimited signal

19 Aliasing Distortion “Typical” bandlimited signal If ws < 2wb , the copies of X(jw) overlap, and we have aliasing distortion.

20 Reconstruction of x(t)

21 Reconstruction: Frequency-Domain

22 Ideal Reconstruction Filter

23 Signal Reconstruction
Ideal bandlimited interpolation formula

24 Shannon Sampling Theorem

25 Reconstruction in Time-Domain

26 Ideal C-to-D and D-to-C
Ideal Sampler Ideal bandlimited interpolator

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