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The Colonies Develop 1651-1753.

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Presentation on theme: "The Colonies Develop 1651-1753."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Colonies Develop

2 Farming was mostly subsistence due to the thin, rocky, soil and the short growing season.
Towns grew around a ”common” area, at the center of which would be the meeting house.

3 The triangular trade had a sinister aspect –the trading of human beings.

4 Eventually declaring war on the English, this last effort to drive the settler’s out was known as King Philip’s War. King Philip being a name given to him by the English. Metacom, Massasoit’s son, was not as willing to accept the condition’s imposed for peace as more and more settlers moved into his tribal lands.

5 Salem Witch Trials

6 The Southern Colonies enjoyed rich soil and a long growing season. This combination made it ideal for agriculture and thus, an economy based on crops was established.

7 Crops grown for sale, not personal consumption
By far, tobacco was the prominent crop grown throughout the South

8 Tensions escalated to the breaking point and rebellion was the result
Tensions escalated to the breaking point and rebellion was the result. Led by Nathaniel Bacon, landless frontier settlers revolted against Gov. Berkley demanding lower taxes and protection from Native Americans. Bacon’s Rebellion

9 Slavery An overseer watches as slaves work in the field Slave ship

10 The Middle Colonies enjoyed a longer growing season than that slightly north in New England, but a much richer soil. They soon became known as the “breadbasket” of the colonies as they grew so much of the grain, particularly wheat.

11 Land behind the Atlantic
Coastal Plain but in front the Appalachian Mountains was known as the Backcountry.

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