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Radio Active Eggs.

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Presentation on theme: "Radio Active Eggs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radio Active Eggs

2 Problem To Solve: I’m terribly concerned about these 12 eggs and the threat they pose to our safety! I want to move them to a safe place as quickly as possible!

3 Tools Available: Envelope Straw Spoon Pipe Cleaner Button Scissors Rubber Band Quarter Tooth Pick Your plastic bag is NOT a tool you can use to move the eggs!

4 Rules: Only one egg may be moved at a time.
Use only the tools given to you to move or touch the eggs. Each tool becomes contaminated when it touches an egg. Once a tool touches an egg, finish using that tool and discard it. It has become contaminated. Rules: If an egg touches the table, floor, skin, or clothes, the egg must be discarded. Make only one modification for each tool for each method used. Each team member must move at least one egg.

5 Points: Your team will earn 1 point for each egg successfully moved.
Moving all 12 eggs successfully will earn your team 5 bonus points. Moving an egg on each color successfully will earn your team 2 bonus points. Moving a pink egg and a green egg successfully will earn your team 2 bonus points.

6 Good Luck! Remember: To be successful work as a team &
Put safety first - Contamination could be deadly!

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