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Asteraceae (Compositae) - the Sunflower Family

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Presentation on theme: "Asteraceae (Compositae) - the Sunflower Family"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asteraceae (Compositae) - the Sunflower Family

2 Taxonomic Position: Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Subclass: Asteridae Order:Asterales Family: Asterceae

3 Distribution Second largest family in the angiosperm
More than 900 genera and species More than 10% of flowering plants

4 Identifying Characters
Plant mostly herb, some are climbers Leaves usually exstipulate Involecre bract present Ray and disc floret present Calyx reduce to papus or scales Stamens epipataloiou with syngenessus anther Ovary inferior, bicarpellary syncarpous, unilocular Basal Placentation Fruit cypsela

5 Morphological Features
Root: Usually tap roots but root tubers also found Stem: Erect or prostate, rarely climbing, some time woody Leaf: Simple some time compound Flower: Inflorescence head or capitulate Two types- Ray floret and disc floret Ray floret-Present in the perifery, zygomorphic, ligulate, unisexual female flowers Disc floret: Central position, bisexual, actinomorphic Calyx: Modified into papus or scale leaf Corolla: Petal 5 or three tubular in disc florets or ligulate in ray florets, gamopetalous, aestivation valvate.

6 Morphological features
Androecium: Stamen five, syngenesious, epipetalous Gynoecium:Bicarpellary syncarpous, ovary inferior with single locule, Sigma two and bifid Fruit: Indehiscent cypsela







13 Economical Importance
Ornamental Edible and medicinal oils Medicine and insecticides

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