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The 2012 Olympic Games Key Questions:

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Presentation on theme: "The 2012 Olympic Games Key Questions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2012 Olympic Games Key Questions:
What were the key features of the Olympic Park area before its redevelopment? What new features are planned for the Olympic Park?

2 Learning Objectives: To know where the Olympic Park site is located within London and the UK. To locate photographs and features on a 1: OS Map To be able to describe and the characteristics of the area before and after redevelopment.

3 STARTER Using the basemap provided identify the location of the following photographs on your map. Give a reason to justify your choice.








11 Main Task Look at information sheet 4 carefully.
Your task is to design your own Olympic Park for You will decide: The size and location of the stadium The location of the Olympic Village You need to design shapes and symbols to represent all the Olympic features. Don’t forget to include transport and accommodation Label your map giving reasons for your location choices.

12 Plenary Reflect on all the photographs you have seen of the area. What was it like before the Olympic Bid? Was it an ‘urban desert’ ripe for development? How would the people living and working there describe their area?

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