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Living on the Edge of Nuclear War

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1 Living on the Edge of Nuclear War

2 Brinkmanship January 1950: Truman orders the making of the H-Bomb
November 1952: America detonates first thermonuclear bomb Less than a year later Soviets detonate one too Eisenhower pledges to use all weapons against any attacker Policy known as Brinkmanship

3 Cold War Goes Global Covert actions by US
CIA works in Iran and Guatemala to prevent communism taking over Soviet’s sign Warsaw Pact in response to NATO Soviet-backed Egypt invaded by England & France for taking Suez Canal Threats by Soviet to bomb England & France stopped by USA Eisenhower Doctrine – The US will defend the Middle East against any communist aggression Nikita Kruschev leader of Soviet Union condemns Stalin (after his death of course)

4 Cold War in the Sky Soviets develop Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Launches Sputnik, first satellite into space Proves Soviet Union could hit any target in US CIA spy plane U-2 is shot down over Soviet Union Ruins negotiations between Eisenhower & Kruschev

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