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Proposal to change how the PDC committee works

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal to change how the PDC committee works"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal to change how the PDC committee works
February 2nd, 2012

2 Why the need for change? Several areas of focus
MLP/AESOP Professional Development PDC plan Currently not efficient

3 Proposal Establish subgroups with different tasks/responsibilities.
Subgroups meet at scheduled PDC times and continue their work out side these meeting times to achieve goals set by the committee as a whole. Chairmen of the subgroups meet with Assistant Superintendent and Chairman of PDC to liaise between the subgroups.

4 Sub group 1 Focus – MLP and AESOP
Membership – at least 1 person from each building and …… Work topics to include: Who places items in MLP Service to the Profession, what will it be: team meetings, PLC, SIT, … Aesop “trigger” Approval tree –this needs to change/update/shorten New teacher training Evaluations IDPD – especially important during evaluation cycle And….

5 Sub group 2 Focus - planning for upcoming opportunities for Professional Development and Implementation Membership – at least a representative from elementary, middle, high school and…. Work topics to include: Needs analysis Gathering information on pdc requirements from other committees/groups Liaise with calendar committee And …..

6 Sub group 3 Focus PDC Plan – design our 5 year plan Membership –
Work topic Write the PDC plan (!) Review and evaluate progress on the plan

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