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Revolution reading guides

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1 Revolution reading guides
While reading use the following 3 slides to guide your reading! The first two selections are from the Zinn Text, the last is from the “Americans” Text.

2 Backgound--Events leading to the Revolution!
BACKGROUND: Read Zinn Text “Tyranny is Tyranny” The ideas of the Enlightenment & specifically the writings of John Locke. Social Contract! Colonial Discontent …18 uprisings & 6 black rebellions…….why? Local elites (like James Otis and Samuel Adams) Taxation…without…..

3 Tyranny is tyranny…. 1763—French and Indian war (7 year war)
1760—local elites stir up the rebellion 1766—regulators…. 1774—creation of continental congress..step toward independence 1765: traditional resentment toward elites refocused on Brittan. April 1775: Lexington and Concord

4 More Background..Revolutions!
Read Zinn Text “Revolutions.” John Adams— rev French help ensures victory—Ben Franklin French and Indian war Local elites gain from revolution, not common persons Constitution is an elite document Founding fathers kept the social balance…

5 The text!—pp. 37-39 French and Indian War—Ohio River Valley
France vs. Brittan Indians side with French as “the lesser of 2 evils” Proclamation line—1763

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