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Presentation on theme: "CLOSE READING The How-To Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLOSE READING The How-To Guide

2 Terms to Know Annotate-to supply with critical or explanatory notes; to comment upon in notes. Explicate- to make plain or clear; explain; interpret

3 Steps for Success Read once. What did you notice?
Read twice: What else did you pick up on? Focus on playwright’s diction (word choice). Locate any important words that create mood or set tone. Look up words you don’t know. Locate any symbolism or figurative language. Write questions based on the text. Answer the provided questions. Write on the actual text. Underline, annotate, use asterisks, circle.

4 Close Read of Act II Scene One
Perform the steps for success from previous slide. On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions based on the notes you took and your interpretation What symbolism can you find in the opening stage directions? What conclusions can you draw from Elizabeth’s body language? What is John Proctor’s motive in this dialogue? What is the atmosphere in this opening scene? What is the relationship like between John & Elizabeth?

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