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Intro WWII.

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1 Intro WWII

2 DO NOW Set up INB Deadlines- Page 59 Chapter 27 Reading Notes Today’s LT/SC: 62 Learning Target: I can identify the main causes of WWII Why it’s important: effects of WWI are still felt today; one of the greatest defining moments in world history; the end of WWI actually led to starting WWII Success Criteria: I can draw a political cartoon about the Treaty of Versailles causing WWII

3 Versailles and Germany after WWI
Read as a class (10 min) Answer 2 questions at bottom 5 min individually 2 min share at table 2 min share out as class

4 Reactions to Treaty of Versailles
Lets look at sources together as a class Highlight main ideas or add more information as we go. 15 min

5 So, What Caused WWII? AGGRESSION

6 A: Appeasement Definition: conceding to aggression in order to avoid conflict Allies give in to Hitler “Please don’t start another war!” France, GB

7 G: Germans take Austria & Czechoslovakia

8 G: German Nationalism

9 R: Real Cause- Hitler invades Poland
Q: How was Germany able to do this? Blitzkrieg= lightning war Poland

10 E: Everyone Ignores League of Nations
“You better stop that Hitler!”

11 S: Stupid Treaty of Versailles
Makes Germany want revenge Persuades Italy join b/c of this

12 S: Stupid Pacifism in GB and France
“Zose vimpy French and Brits. Vee shall destroy zem!”

13 I: Italy Wants Land

14 O: Oh, US isolationists!!!

15 N: No one stops Japan in Asia

16 ID Terms Due May 26 and 27th Note: You should also be taking notes and studying for textbook quiz that will be randomly taken this unit! Chapter 27 by June 6 ( R) and 7 (G)

17 Exit Ticket Draw a political cartoon that explains how the Treaty of Versailles caused WWII

18 Mini Essay Research Essay- Due June 1 (R ) and 2 (G)
Product- coordinating with Essay- Due June 8 (R) and 9 (G) By the time you leave- you need a strong inquiry question

19 Possible Topic Battle of Coral Sea General Douglas MacArthur
Dwight David Eisenhower Concentration Camps Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor Holocaust Battle of the Bulge Adolf Hitler Lend Lease Act War in the Pacific Japanese Internment Military weaponry in WWII Auschwitz US women in WWII Battle of Britain Rationing in WWII Atomic Bomb Joseph Stalin General George Patton US Manhattan Project Benito Mussolini Nazis Battle of Midway Nuremberg Trials Invasion of Normandy Gestapo Prime Minister Winston Churchill Propaganda President Franklin D Roosevelt PTSD

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