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Collaborative Teams in a Professional Learning Community

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1 Collaborative Teams in a Professional Learning Community

2 Today’s Task Discuss these questions with your PLC:
How much time (hours) will we spend collaborating this year? Is there a way to increase our collaborative time? Where, in our PLC, is this outside collaboration already occurring? How is our PLC work manifested in our classrooms? Is our PLC in the “Knowing” stage? Or the full cycle of Knowing-by-Doing, Reflecting, and Re-Doing? If not – what has to happen to get us there? Self-Reflection with PLC Rubric

3 2009-2010 Florin High School Focus
Effectively support the ongoing development of our collective teaching and learning practices, resulting in every student meaningfully connected to school and experiencing academic success. Athletics and Academics SDAIE 21st Century Technology Mindset Merchants of Hope CPAs/Small Learning Communities

4 What works? -Linda Darling-Hammond

5 What is “Sustained”? -Linda Darling-Hammond

6 What is “Job-embedded”?
Knowing is insufficient. Knowing by doing, reflecting, and re-doing will move us forward. -Michael Fullan

7 What is “Collaborative”?
Florin High Wiki This wiki site is our school’s Professional Learning Network (PLN) Similar to the forum -it is a communication tool, research archive, and discussion board. Online with no passwords needed unless you want to be a “writer” Lushenko or Diehl for writing access.

8 Today’s Task Discuss these questions with your PLC:
How much time (hours) will we spend collaborating this year? Is there a way to increase our collaborative time? Who, in our PLC, is already collaborating outside of our LATE days? How is our PLC work manifested in our classrooms? Is our PLC in the “Knowing” stage? Or the full cycle of Knowing-by-Doing, Reflecting, and Re-Doing? Self-Reflection with PLC Rubric – turn IN!

9 Break Out Rooms Athledemics Theater Mindset F1 Merchants of Hope G3
21st Century Technology Theater Small Learning Communities Band Room SDAIE Choir Room

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