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Strategic Steering Group on WFD and Agriculture

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1 Strategic Steering Group on WFD and Agriculture
Brussels, 20 April 2007 European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine

2 Main challenges of the 2007-2009 work programme on WFD and agriculture
 Need to get more practical case studies on the river basin management plans and programmes of measures being prepared : - More information awaited from Member States - PRB can also help  Need to exchange on the contents of the rural development programmes  Cross Compliance : see how the SSG can contribute to the assessment process and have more exchange on farm advisory systems  Need to raise prospective issues : Specific focus on measures which address quantitative issues Impacts of new technologies – new farming systems – new policy developments Impacts of the last CAP reform  Need to progress on article 38 specifications

3 Main challenges of the 2007-2009 work programme on WFD and agriculture
 Need to get more practical case studies on the river basin management plans and programmes of measures being prepared : - More information awaited from Member States - PRB can also help  Need to exchange on the contents of the rural development programmes  Cross Compliance : see how the SSG can contribute to the assessment process and have more exchange on farm advisory systems  Need to raise prospective issues : Specific focus on measures which address quantitative issues Impacts of new technologies – new farming systems – new policy developments Impacts of the last CAP reform  Need to progress on article 38 specifications

4 Objective by the end of 2007:
Set up a catalogue of all potential measures for the farming sector, compiling alternative ideas, measures, solutions and their impacts, including direct and secondary effects

5 Three questions were sent out to all Water Directors on 9 February 2007
1. Main types of voluntary and mandatory measures envisaged in the draft WFD programmes of measures 2. Type of measures considered as most appropriate to address agricultural qualitative and quantitative pressures 3. Level of involvement of water authorities in the preparation of rural development strategies and programmes

6 10 Member States provided a reply:
Belgium (Flanders), Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands, Spain, UK

7 Today : Presentation by Germany, France, UK and Spain
All contributions will then be taken into account to build up the catalogue of measures.

8 Next steps Contributions by Member States are still welcome until 16 May. Remember that the interest and quality of the catalogue will depend on the number and contents of contributions received so far. Need to have more information on the costs, benefits and effectiveness of the measures

9 At EU level Information will be compiled and completed whenever possible. Definition of a user-friendly structure for the catalogue Dissemination of a draft version to SSG for comments in early September

10 Conference on WFD and Agriculture
20 – 21 September in Paris

11 Main objectives Address specific WFD and agricultural issues of interest in several working groups Programme is in progress but any ideas are welcome. Invitations will be sent out in June.

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