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Possible topic/topics (edit) Keywords TITLE Your Name Organization

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Presentation on theme: "Possible topic/topics (edit) Keywords TITLE Your Name Organization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Possible topic/topics (edit) Keywords TITLE Your Name Organization
session TITLE Your Name Organization

2 Sample text

3 The 2nd slide should show
Organization The 2nd slide should show Name of your organisation and its nature e.g. SME, academic institution, public, private etc Country in which it operates Department within the organisation Expertise of the department Past experience in EU-funded projects (if any)

4 The 3rd and 4th slides should show
Our project idea / expertise The 3rd and 4th slides should show Description of your project idea Project proposal title (if decided) H2020 topic to be addressed Project description (brief) Current consortium (if any) Profile of the partners sought (type, skills, role, etc.) AND/OR Description of what you can offer to other proposals H2020 topics your expertise fits in Relevant expertise

5 Contact details Contact person Organisation Adress Phone

6 Recommendations The presentation has to last up to 5 minutes (maximum)
Do not overload your slides Provide weblinks to additional material Slides should be in English Do not use videos etc. –they might be not supported by the IT system All submitted presentations will be made available on the partnering event website Send your presentation (after your participation has been approved) till June 14th to

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