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Electric Potential Energy

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1 Electric Potential Energy
Electrostatics Electric Potential Energy

2 Electrical Potential Energy
Recall equation for electrical force: FE = kQ1Q2/r² When we were looking at gravitational forces, how did we find work done? Area under the graph. FE r

3 Electrical Potential Energy
EP = kQ1Q2/r When using the potential energy equation, keep the following in mind: Amount of potential energy due to separation of two charged particles by distance “r”. Include the signs of the charged particles Drop the -’ve sign

4 Electrical Potential Energy
EP = kQ1Q2/r Drop the -’ve sign, you’ll see! A +’ve particle has its highest energy when close to another +’ve particle A -’ve particle has its highest energy when far from a +’ve particle Oppositely charged particles have low energy when they are close together At ∞ Highest Energy ie. 0J Lowest Energy ie. -100J Some Energy ie. -50J + Q1 - - - Q2 Q2 Q2 + + + Highest Energy ie. 100J Some Energy ie. 50J At ∞ Lowest Energy, ie. 0J

5 Electrical Potential Energy Ex 1
How much potential energy does a 1mC charge have when it is 1m away from a 5C charge? EP = kQ1Q2/r EP = (9E9Nm²/C²)(5C)(0.001C)/(1m) EP = 4.5x107J Relative to zero at infinity 5C 1mC 1m

6 Electrical Potential Energy Ex 2
Same 2 particles, how much work is necessary to move the 1mC charge to 1.5m away? W = ΔEP = EPf - EPi W = kQ1Q2/rf - kQ1Q2/ri W = kQ1Q2[1/rf - 1/ri] W = (9E9)(5)(0.001)[1/(1.5m) - 1/(1m)] W = -1.5x107J -’ve, so work has been done by charges (energy & work are not vectors) 1mC 1mC 5C 1.5m

7 Conclusions Potential Energy: EP = kQ1Q2/r
Like charges experience a +’ve potential energy that increase the closer they are together Dislike charges experience a -’ve potential energy that decreases the closer they are together Particles experience zero potential energy when they are infinitely far apart from one another

8 Electric Potential Voltage
Electrostatics Electric Potential Voltage

9 Electrical Potential We have already looked at the amount of energy a charge has: E = kQ1Q2/r But that is rarely useful, let’s look at the total amount of energy a charge has: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL

10 Alessandro Volta - Built the first battery
Electrical Potential Electric Potential is also sometimes called just simply “Potential” Symbol is “V” (Named after Volta) Measured in Volts (J/C) It is the amount of work required to move a unit of charge from point A to point B V = EP/q V = (kQq/r) / q V = kQ/r Alessandro Volta - Built the first battery

11 Electrical Potential Example: Find potential of the -5mC charge at 1.5m and at 5m away? V = kQ/r V1.5 = (9E9J)(-0.005C)/(1.5m) V1.5 = -3x107V V5 = (9E9J)(-0.005C)/(5m) V5 = -9x106V -5mC V1.5 1.5m 5m V5

12 Electrical Potential Example Cont’d: What is the potential difference between 1.5m and 5m? ΔV = V5 - V1.5 ΔV = (-9x106V) - (-3x107V) ΔV = 2.1x107V ΔV -5mC V1.5 V5 1.5m 5m

13 Work required to move a charge from one voltage to another
Electrical Potential From the previous example, consider the following: ΔV = Vf - Vi ΔV = EPf/q - EPi/q ΔV = (EPf - EPi)/q ΔV = W/q W = ΔV*q Work required to move a charge from one voltage to another

14 Electrical Potential Example Cont’d: How much work does it take to move a 1μC charge from 1.5m to 5m? W = ΔV*q W = (2.1E7V)(1E-6C) W = 21J 1μC 1μC 1μC -5mC V1.5 V5 1.5m 5m

15 Conclusions Electric Potential, Potential, Voltage Same Diff
Measured in Volts V = kQ/r W = ΔV*q Zero volts is sometimes called ground Symbol is

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