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US HISTORY REGENTS Wednesday, June 15, 50 Multiple Choice

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1 US HISTORY REGENTS Wednesday, June 15, 50 Multiple Choice
12 Scaffolding Questions (DBQ’s) One DBQ Essay One Thematic Essay After school review sessions Today and Thursday Monday- 8:00- 11:00

2 Rules for the Pyramid Game:
Two people will give clues and two will be guessing the answers No form of the word can be used in the clues No rhyming – must use real clues You can skip a word and come back to it You have two minutes to complete the pyramid Scoring: Bottom Row – 200 each Second Row – 300 each Top Under 1 minute: 1500 Points Under 1 minute 30 seconds: 1200 points 2 minutes: 1000 points All decisions of the judge are final

3 Erie Canal Plantations Manifest Destiny Mississippi River Louisiana Purchase Checks and balances

4 Virginia House of Burgesses Articles of Confederation Bill of Rights Declaration of Independence Constitutional Convention Mayflower Compact

5 Plessy v. Ferguson Monroe Doctrine Elastic Clause Anti-Federalists Strict Construction (of the Constitution) Stamp Act (by Parliament)

6 Alien and Sedition Acts
Nullification Whiskey Rebellion Presidential Cabinet Alien and Sedition Acts Reconstruction Common Sense

7 Seneca Falls Convention
Salutary neglect Seneca Falls Convention “Separate but equal” Jim Crow Laws Trail of Tears abolitionism

8 carpetbagger federalism Confederate States Of America Or (Confederacy)
Dred Scott v. Sanford Freedmen’s Bureau federalism Confederate States Of America Or (Confederacy) Emancipation Proclamation

9 Fugitive Slave Act George Washington’s Farewell Address
Embargo (of 1807) Marbury v. Madison George Washington’s Farewell Address Judicial review nativism

10 Worcester v. Georgia Gettysburg Address Robber Baron Manifest Destiny
“Spoils System” tariffs Gettysburg Address Robber Baron Manifest Destiny

11 John Brown Indian Removal Act Veto cotton gin ratification
mercentalism Indian Removal Act Veto cotton gin

12 John Locke Bleeding Kansas Missouri Compromise 3/5 Compromise
“habeas corpus” Separation of powers Bleeding Kansas Missouri Compromise 3/5 Compromise

13 The Federalist Papers Underground Railroad Andrew Jackson
secession Kansas- Nebraska Act Underground Railroad Andrew Jackson potato famine

14 Impeachment of Andrew Johnson Natural rights Radical Republicans
Fugitive Slave Act Grandfather clause Natural rights Radical Republicans Boston Tea Party


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