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Unit 2: Geographic Luck 10.19.15.

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1 Unit 2: Geographic Luck

2 Entry Task Please take out your questions from Episode 1 of Guns, Germs, and Steel Discuss with your partner, now that you have heard more of Jared Diamond’s argument, what do you think? Does it make sense? Do you still have questions?

3 Notes Guns, Germs, & Steel: The Fates of Human Societies excerpt
Notes in your notebook, outline style

4 Outline Style Notes Title of Article Subtitle 1 Subtitle 2
-Supporting idea 1 Evidence/detail/example -Supporting idea 2 Subtitle 2

5 Outline Style Notes Guns, Germs, & Steel Chapter 10: Spacious Skies & Tilted Axis major axis of Americas is north-south major axis of Eurasia is east-west spread of domesticated crops - 9 areas where food production arose independently

6 Outline Style Notes -other areas got food production b/c of spread of crops, animals, knowledge, & farmers Middle East  Europe North & West Africa  East & South Africa China  SE Asia Mesoamerica  North America - some areas much more suitable for food production - ease of spread varied greatly around world - some areas never got food production at all

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