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RE Verb Review.

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1 RE Verb Review

2 Obj SWBAT use regular and irregular re verbs and indirect object pronouns to narrate a fashion show runway.

3 RE VERBS There are a few kinds: Regular RE
Mettre / any verb with «METTRE » in it ‘uire’ verbs ‘rire’ verbs dire/ vivre

4 Regular re s nothing ons ez ent

5 Mettre/ verbs with ‘mettre’ in them
mets met mettons mettez mettent

6 ‘uire’ verbs- any verb ending in uire
Your endings are: ‘uis’ ‘uit’ ‘uisons’ ‘uisez’ ‘uisent’

7 Rire/ any verb with ‘rire’ in it
ris rit rions riez rient

8 The two without a pattern
Dire- to say or tell je dis tu dis il dit nous disons vous dites ils disent

9 Vivre- to live vis vit vivons vivez vivent

10 Indirect object pronouns
Between any subject and verb, there is a space Je ______aime

11 What you are referring to
goes in that space je ___ aime in the blank, you could put me (me) te (you) le/la (it) nous (us) vous (you guys) les (them) les

12 What if your verb takes an à after it?
Je _____ envoie a Your options are: me (me) te (you) lui (him) nous (us) vous (you guys) leur (them)

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