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Creating Meaning ful & Powerful

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1 Creating Meaning ful & Powerful
Kyla Schneider Sr. Consultant in LD & Executive Coach Ratliff & Taylor Creating Meaning ful & Powerful Morning Routines

2 Benefits of an Early Morning Routine
Standardizing the first 30 minutes to two hours with a routine lets you arrive at your peak in the best possible mindset Gives you something to hold onto —a sense of normalcy to root yourself Helps you set your intention, your mood, and creates a deliberate mindset to limit wasteful time Accomplish one small win to generate momentum, a fundamental part of human psychology Benefits of an Early Morning Routine “The way you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Building a morning routine that sets you up for the perfect day is one of the big “secrets” everyone knows but for some reason can’t pull off.” - The Morning Sidekick Journal

3 The Endowment Effect Discovered by researchers Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky According to the Endowment Effect, if you’ve already started the day by moving your life forward, you have established positive momentum, and are more likely to keep doing positive things Purpose of the morning routine: You should get one “small win” to create momentum in each life domain that’s important to you A small win is anything which creates momentum

4 Ben Franklin’s Morning Routine
Question: What good shall I do this day? Rise, wash, and address Powerful Goodness! Contrive day’s business, and take the resolution of the day Prosecute the present study Breakfast

5 18 Best Practices for Morning Routines
What would my life look like if I had a morning routine filled with incredible habits every single day for the next 30 days? What sort of ripple effect would a morning routine have on my work and other areas of my life? What will I continue to miss out on if I don’t make needed changes? Bonus Questions: What are the top hurdles I’m facing with getting to bed on time and mastering my mornings? What do I need to do to overcome these? What small positive change could I make in my night time routine?

6 18 Best Practices for Morning Routines
Most important aspect is doing the routine daily First determine your wake up time and then get to bed based on number of hours you want to sleep Know what you want to get out of your morning routine Exercise/Meditation Read/Listen to Podcast or TedTalk Eat a healthy breakfast Knock out one home chore or work task Write an appreciation note Journal Spend time with loved ones *Set the time you want to spend for one or multiple activities 7. Keep a Journal for 66 Days Most important task for today is…. One way I can improve life by 1% is…. Top 2 distractions to minimize tonight (before bed) Magical Moment (s) I experienced today… My morning ritual for tomorrow will be…. a) b) c) d) Check off what you complete the next day 18 Best Practices for Morning Routines

7 18 Best Practices for Morning Routines
Life S.A.V.E.R.S. Silence (meditation) Affirmations Visualization Exercise Reading Scribing (journaling) Drink a glass of water each morning Listen to upbeat, fast tempo music while showering and getting dressed Turn your phone onto Grey Scale at night Maintain consistency throughout the weekend Each night before going to bed – select outfit, determine breakfast, get bags together by door, and set first “ritual” you will absolutely do Include exercise to give you additional hours of productivity Read a poem/spiritual/religious text Find an accountability partner to review results each day on morning routine Condition yourself week-by-week to wake up earlier Create an “Affirmation” for your morning routine goals… “I understand that to succeed, I must utilize my life every day to its full potential” 18 Best Practices for Morning Routines

8 Moving Forward – Coaching Tips
Define the desired outcome you are trying to create, your environment and your resources Choose a behavior that is likely to yield the result you are trying to attain Choose a behavior you have a “fire in your belly” for Design a simple, straightforward action plan What you’ll say and do When you’ll say and do it The results you expect to see if you say and do it effectively Ask for real time feedback

9 Self Exercise: Complete A Journal for Tonight & Tomorrow
Keep a Journal for 66 Days Most important task for tomorrow will be... One way I can improve life by 1% is…. Top 2 distractions to minimize tonight (before bed) Magical Moment (s) I’ve experienced today… My morning ritual for tomorrow will be (choose up to four from the 18 Best Practices)…. 1. 2. 3. 4. *Check off what you complete the next day

10 Link desired behavior change to what will bring the greatest change to you
Generate curiosity and intrigue to enhance motivation Try out the new “emotional intelligence” – increase your emotional vocabulary Try the “Imagine yourself a year from now” perspective for entrenched challenges Construct “If…then…” and “When…I will…” intention statements Moving Forward

11 2 x 2 Simple Development Plan
Goal One: Goal Two: New Behavior or Action New Behavior or Action

12 Tomorrow, you will be exactly who you are today.
A Simple Idea: Tomorrow, you will be exactly who you are today. The rest of your life is a future projection of who you are today. If you change today, tomorrow will (likely) be different. If you don’t change today, the rest of your life is (likely) predetermined.


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